We made this in Lockdown. Stiil happening.
available from cattok.co.uk or as ebook on Amazon
‘Sebastian and The Cat Tok Cat’ is the second in the series. The Bonkers Cat goes on Cat Tok and becomes a celebrity influencer. His selfie stunts get more and more dangerous and the Kittens are copying. The Cats in the ‘hood want to talk but they’re stopped at the flap by a huge street cat with half-chewed ears..
‘Sebastian and the Ghost Cat’ – it’s Hallowe’en and the Kittens are spooked by a Ghost Cat. Freckle, the biggest yowler in the ‘hood, has gone missing. Could the Ghost Cat be Freckle?
Sebastian and The Pirate – children’s picture book with illustrations by Andie Scott for 5 – 8 year olds and all cat lovers!
The Pirate strikes terror into the hearts of all Cats. They stand by while he chows down, not daring to look him in his one terrible eye. Not one Cat in the neighbourhood will step up… Then one day Sebastian, a black and white Cat who looks like the Pirate but is a gentle giant, makes a stand over a bowl of tuna..
First edition available from Di on demand. The second edition (shown above) – smaller size (A6) – available on cattok.co.uk
No Go Down!
Here’s the link to the first shanty of Five Beacons of Light – the epic choral piece I’m writing with composer Cheryl Frances-Hoad about the climate emergency. It’s sung by the Lower School Choir of Albyn School, Aberdeen. I spent a week working with students there devising movement and a ‘sea of words’ and was blown away by their creative energy and passion.
‘Written Portraits’ poetry residency
Associate artist on ‘People Like You’ – a research study on personalisation in NHS led by Goldsmiths, Imperial and Warwick Universities, funded by Wellcome Trust:
‘The purpose of Di Sherlock’s poetry residency is to understand how visitors to Maggie’s West London and hospital staff discuss their experiences and express their identities in individual/group conversations. Her poetic practice involves conversations that result in ‘Written Portraits’. The ‘portraits’ are transactional – they are gifted back and discussed with participants and where appropriate the poem reworked until all sides are happy. Through this process we are interested in understanding the wider contexts of care, medicine, and participation.’
Mary’s Hand at The Tower of London Sept 30th & 1st Oct 2020
Mary’s Hand
Chamber opera on the life of ‘Bloody’ Mary Tudor with composer Martin Bussey and Mezzo Clare McCaldin. Libretto and direction by Di. Premiered Tete a Tete, UK touring includes The Three Choirs Festival in Gloucester 2019.
The independent *****’Outstanding’
‘Pussy Protest’ at London College of Fashion MA Show December 2017
Di in Kelly Ryan’s performative costume morphing from Suffragette to Pussy Rioter at The Lilian Baylis Theatre, director Peta Lily.
Based on 80’s cyber- punk classic Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson.